Understanding reshape - PyTorch Forums

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For a tensor: x = torch.tensor([ [ [[0.4495, 0.2356], [0.4069, 0.2361], [0.4224, 0.2362]], [[0.4357, 0.6762], [0.4370, 0.6779], [0.4406, 0.6663]] ], [ [[0.5796, 0.4047], [0.5655, 0.4080], [0.5431, 0.4035]], [[0.5338, 0.6255], [0.5335, 0.6266], [0.5204, 0.6396]] ] ]) Firstly would like to split it into 2 (x.shape[0]) tensors then con

What is reshape, view, transpose, and permute in PyTorch?

00. PyTorch Fundamentals - Zero to Mastery Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning

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Understanding reshape - PyTorch Forums

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Pytorch how to reshape/reduce the number of filters without altering the shape of the individual filters - Stack Overflow

Reshaping/removing dimension while keeping location of elements unchanged - PyTorch Forums