EU complicity in colossal, lawless air pollution from Balkan coal plants must prompt swift action – new report - Bankwatch

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Around 19,000 people are estimated to have died over the past three years as a result of air pollution from Western Balkan coal-fired power plants, according to a report released today by CEE Bankwatch Network and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.

South eastern Europe struggles with 'chronic coal' problem - META

Off the record: How a Bulgarian coal plant hid its toxic mercury emissions - META

Red flags over plans to swap coal for biomass and waste incineration in Tuzla - Bankwatch

Health and Environment Alliance Press release: EU action on Western Balkans' chronic coal pollution is a unique opportunity to improve health and productivity

In Bulgaria, marking an air pollution tragedy with another one in the making - Bankwatch

Comply or Close 2023: five years of deadly legal breaches by Western Balkan coal plants - Bankwatch

EU complicit in colossal, lawless air pollution from Balkan coal plants

Greenpeace activists scale tower of Bulgarian coal-fired plant, demanding its closure

New report – deadly legal breaches by Western Balkan coal plants increased in 2022 - Bankwatch

In Bulgaria, marking an air pollution tragedy with another one in the making - Bankwatch