An illustration of the historical evolution of clothing 2 - NYPL Digital Collections

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Suede - NYPL Digital Collections

Men of rank ; Pope in pontificals ; Bishop ; Cardinal ; Procurator of St. Mark ; Wife of the doge ; Cardinals in house-dress ; Doge ; Woman of rank ; Papal house-dress - NYPL Digital Collections

Francis 2nd, Emperor of Austria & c. - NYPL Digital Collections

Chile, Araucanian Indians and gauchos - NYPL Digital Collections

An illustration of the historical evolution of clothing 2 - NYPL Digital Collections

Figures in an office setting, posed in a listening attitude, from a 1918 clothing catalog - NYPL Digital Collections

Back of mourning dress ; Mourning dress ; Crape-trimmed costume and cape ; Widow's cap for elderly lady ; Back of wrap - NYPL Digital Collections

Woman suffrage - NYPL Digital Collections

Hall - early view, 2 Montague Terrace - NYPL Digital Collections

Various peasant costumes of Europe - NYPL Digital Collections

men's evening clothes illustrations from the 1930s 1920s